PART 3 'Packing List' - July 2021

PART 3 'Packing List' - July 2021

I've used an excel spreadsheet called 'PACKING.xsls' since I got back into racing in 2016 as a means of making sure I didn't botch my packing as I was prone to doing in my younger years - peaking at me racing 2008 South Island Mountain Bike Champs in slippers after leaving my shoes at home. The handy part of having this spreadsheet is that most of the stuff we take to races stays the same; shoes, helmet, skinsuit, foam roller, protein, earphones, chargers etc etc. 

'Epsom V700 Film Scanner' made its debut this time around on the packing list under 'MIQ Bag'.

Two nights before departing, I thought it was high time I packed everything up. I grabbed the scanner, and instantly came to the realisation that getting it there wasn't realistic. Even if I could get this in a bag, i'd be spent for weight. Option 2: Rent one. A slightly stressed post into 'NZ Analogue Photography Buy and Sell', a few hours later, and i'd secured a scanner to borrow for the course of MIQ. 

Now it was just a process of getting to the games, racing, taking photos, returning home, and piecing something together. 

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